Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 81!

Hey mom! It was a pretty good week leading up to the birthday. :) Just lots of hard work, and doing what we can :)  It was a pretty cool week and we are hoping to have lots of success in the coming weeks because of it.

First off, we found some part member families...yes, more than one.  For those of you that don't know, that's missionary GOLD.  It's the easiest and quickest way to get someone baptized.  So we found a lady who has a grandson named Juan-David who hasn't been baptized yet and so now hes getting ready to get baptized in the next few weeks.  He is a really cool kid, and when we invited him to be baptized he was like "Yeah, sounds sweet, when can I do it?" So we are happy.
We were walking by the church the other day, and a little girl came running out and goes "Elders! My grandpa´s keys got stuck in the door, can you help us out?" and so we did.  My comp was talking to the little girl, and she told him that she was turning 9 today, and that she hadn't been baptized yet....CONVERT BAPTISM. Haha, little miracle but pretty cool.  She comes to church every week so she can pretty much get baptized real soon.

Also, a new member showed up to church yesterday.  We didn't recognize him, so we talked to him to see when we could visit him.  He goes "You guys can visit me whenever you want, but talk to him, he's the investigator" and pointed to his friend.  Turns out they just moved to Ibagué, and he is married to a member, but he just hasn't been baptized yet.  The whole family was really cool too, so he has a lot of support to help him get to baptism.  

Yesterday in the morning the branch President called me and asked if I could give a talk in sacrament meeting.  So real quick I threw something together about missionary work.  I think it went pretty well, considering I had like 20 minutes to prepare it, haha.  Not bad at all. 
But yeah, loving the work.  Loving being tired all the time.  Love the heat.  Loving life.  Thanks for everything mom.  Love you :) Talk to you next week.

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