Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 62!

Hey, Mom!  Sounds like a pretty good week in the ol' Utar.  Things down here are pretty good as well.  Livin' and lovin' the people...and the work.  

This week was a lot better than last week.  We got to go with this awesome member family (The Silvas) to a place called Restrepo.  Its a part of our area, but it's super far away (30 minutes in car) so we don't really go there very much.  But we had some members with us, and they had some fire referrals for us to go visit.  Which was perfect.  We got there at about 9:30 or so, and they had the whole day planned for us...even lunch, haha.  So we went and visited a bunch of part member families (those are the best, haha) and taught a lot of people.  

The first family we visited was a lady who is a member, but her parents aren't.  So we went and visited the parents and shared a good lesson.  Like any old country folks, they talked a TON.  But it was still pretty good.  We shared the lesson, and they didn't seem to understand much, but then at the end we asked the lady if she would offer the closing prayer.  She said no, and we asked why.  And she goes "It makes me want to cry" and she started crying.  She said she was just so happy that we had come so far to visit her, and she said she just felt like we "Cleaned her heart."  It seemed like she was feeling the spirit really strong, and just didn't know how to react.  It was a cool experience for sure.

Then we went and visited a member who lives in the dang middle of nowhere.  It's about a 30 minute hike to her house, and it's just them.  They have one neighbor, but it's kind of far away so you just feel completely alone.  The pictures don't do it justice. It was BEAUTIFUL.  The hike up was short, but super cool.  They are a pretty poor family, and they don't have much, so the Silva family (a bunch of saints) had us all carry a bag of stuff up there.  Books of Mormon, other church books, clothes, all kinds of stuff.  It was cool to see how excited the kids were to have people over, and how happy the mom was to finally have a reason to come back to church.  

Then we were walking around Sunday night.  The week was almost over, and we just had nothing to do. Just walking around like dang zombies.  We sat down for a sec to just think about something to do, and Elder Nielsen goes, "Hey there are some houses we've never seen before, lets go contact them."  So we did, and the first door we knocked was a shirtless guy who was kind of like, "I just got done eating, what do you guys need?" So we were a little like, dang.  But then he opened the door and invited us in.  Then he invited his wife, and two kids to come listen too.  So we got to share with all of them.  The understood the whole message really well too.  It was a really cool experience.  I guess God just blessed us because he knew how rough last week was.

Thanks for everything mom, love you.  Talk to you next week.

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